Tiësto: "Why I left Trance"

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TrancePodium Staff
948 forum
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Tiësto: "Why I left Trance" -
12 April 2014, at 05:56
TrancePodium Staff
44 forum
Posts: 3256
# 12 April 2014, at 12:01

But what about those guys that looked up to you that were just starting to make Trance?
Was there not enough anymore?

Is that what he means by "no one cares"?

Why do I feel confused on how I should take his words about this? lol

One side of me says "yea, okay I get it, thats understandable" while the other says " God father of house? You have only been in the genre for 5 or so years and I can name a lot more that have been around longer then you that are still producing. WTF dude?"

But when it comes down to it, if he did what he did because he wanted to try something new and was just bored and needed new direction, I completely get it. I just wish that those were the words coming out instead of what he said.

Or am I looking way way way to into this? :undecided:
24606 forum
Posts: 225
# 12 April 2014, at 13:52

This is the full "interview", listening to this whole thing makes a little more sense than that 1 minute thing. He could have worded his answer to leaving trance much better than that though saying "no one cares" made it sound like he was really talking down to people who like/listen to trance music. His comment about "God father of house" makes no sense...
2785 forum
Posts: 3430
# 13 April 2014, at 12:45
HAHAHAHA!! Godfather of house, in the month that Frankie Knuckles passed away?

He should just ignore these conversations as I think most of the trance scene is over it now?
1923 forum
Posts: 7395
# 13 April 2014, at 13:04
I really don't get what's the fuss about this interview, did he say something new, something that we did not know already? I agree with Dan I think the scene is definitely over it now, I know I am
... Endless love and trust in trance ...
184229 forum
Posts: 157
# 13 April 2014, at 15:16
Originally posted by R33

But what about those guys that looked up to you that were just starting to make Trance?
Was there not enough anymore?

Is that what he means by "no one cares"?

Why do I feel confused on how I should take his words about this? lol

One side of me says "yea, okay I get it, thats understandable" while the other says " God father of house? You have only been in the genre for 5 or so years and I can name a lot more that have been around longer then you that are still producing. WTF dude?"

But when it comes down to it, if he did what he did because he wanted to try something new and was just bored and needed new direction, I completely get it. I just wish that those were the words coming out instead of what he said.

Or am I looking way way way to into this? :undecided:

Tiesto is the godfather of anything electronic according to kids.. lol go on google and search for a song, you will see that everyone thinks tiesto made it. miss labling and shit
TrancePodium Staff
44 forum
Posts: 3256
# 14 April 2014, at 16:47
Originally posted by vera
I really don't get what's the fuss about this interview, did he say something new, something that we did not know already? I agree with Dan I think the scene is definitely over it now, I know I am

Agreed. He has moved on, water under the bridge and all that. its been what now, 5 years?

I just had a good laugh with the godfather of house comment. that was a great chuckle.
183988 forum
Posts: 33
# 14 April 2014, at 19:03
Kind of a lame response if you ask me,then again I haven't watched the full interview,maybe I'll change my opinion if I watch the whole video.
TrancePodium Staff
948 forum
Posts: 53803
# 15 April 2014, at 18:42
Originally posted by vera
I really don't get what's the fuss about this interview, did he say something new, something that we did not know already? I agree with Dan I think the scene is definitely over it now, I know I am

I agree as well, although I still miss him sometimes when I listen to his old sets.

About this interview and some comments that are made here though, I've seen the whole interview and I haven't heard him say at any moment that he's the 'Godfather of House'. All I heard him say is that the young kids see him as a godfather. And I do think he is. With everything he has done for dance music in general, I think you can call him a godfather. Cz no matter that he changed his style, people know how big he was in the trance world, being the biggest subgenre of 'EDM' during his years there and people haven't forgotten that. 3 times no.1 DJ in the world, that still means something. So ye he is a godfather.

But ye, I posted this without having listened to it first, I thought he would say smth new, but he didn't. This even is an old interview from before the last DJ Mag results.