If only someone knew the title...

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If only someone knew the title... -
21 July 2010, at 19:08

I'm turning over to you guys to find the title and maker of 1 of the best songs in the world.

The only thing I have about it is a scene from a movie. At 2m50s in this scene the song starts in the background. So its not the pianosong but its the sound in the back that last for like a minut.

I swear to God that I'm looking for this over 5 years if I'm correct. So please help me. Thnx guys.

Heres the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_ZSnJfFSa8&NR=1
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Posts: 1671
# Re: If only someone knew the title... - 21 July 2010, at 23:44
Sound's like Aria - Willow but im not 100% sure have a look and let me know.Ino it's not house but like i said it does sound like it.

This is Tiesto's remix

# Re: If only someone knew the title... - 22 July 2010, at 21:22
Nope, thats not the 1. Thnx for the effort already but I still need to find this song...

So please keep on helping guys...