Real name of this song?

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Real name of this song? -
7 July 2009, at 20:47
I have heard this's simply beautiful..but i can't find it on the net.
I think that the artist/name it's wrong..
Anyone have any idea?
thank community ^^
# Re: Real name of this song? - 7 July 2009, at 23:16
I belevie it is  Andrea  SAENZ  but i could be wrong i cant find the remix thats on youtube there i hope this helps you out
# Re: Real name of this song? - 7 July 2009, at 23:17
Sorry that you be the artists name and the song name is the same Anywhere you go!! :)
# Re: Real name of this song? - 12 July 2009, at 00:09
Hi Sassie
Yes, i'm sure. I think that it's most it's unfounded :(
Thanks for reply ^^
p.s. if someone have this song, can upload it for me? :P