Song Id- 4 Those Up For Minor Challenge,know some title info

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Posts: 5
Song Id- 4 Those Up For Minor Challenge,know some title info -
29 May 2010, at 22:07
Heard this song on either BPM or Area this evening (5/27)

I had the full name memorized but now it has slipped my mind....
I'm sure I will remember soon but in case not, could anyone help me?
I know I have very little info but here goes -

Had never heard of artist before (I know almost every semi-big trance artist) and they are certainly a very new and/or small unheard of act.
Name may be Kreeshun or Kreshing or Kreesher, something of that nature.

Song was titled " ______ U "
I believe it was either Miss or Wish - four letter word.
Remix was done by two names, had not heard of either again.
First name may very well be the Kreeshun or similar mentioned above - instead of artist name, which would then become unknown.

I believe this song is either quite new or very very old. What leads me to believe this is because, I have heard almost every trance song in the last few years, and this wasn't one of them.

No big deal if nobody knows it. Thanks in advance.
2841 forum
Posts: 12892
# Re: Song Id- 4 Those Up For Minor Challenge,know some title info - 4 June 2010, at 05:33
Any chance that the artist name was Kosheen? If so, then try Kosheen - Hide You.

Because I saw you mentioning two names in a remix, I did some searching and I found these remixes:

Kosheen - Hide U (John Creamer and Stephane K Remix)


kosheen - hide u (decoder & substance mix)

I hope I helped you. Anyways, if I didn't, I just found out about a great track for me as well :D
Posts: 5
# Re: Song Id- 4 Those Up For Minor Challenge,know some title info - 4 June 2010, at 05:50
That's it !!

Thank you so much.
2841 forum
Posts: 12892
# Re: Song Id- 4 Those Up For Minor Challenge,know some title info - 4 June 2010, at 06:10
No problem mate! I'm glad I helped you out :)