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Kyohei Akagawa - Aurobind / Kindheit

Release Date
241 x50 Otographic Music 3 June 2010
The 2nd release of Otographic Music is produced by Kyohei Akagawa. Kyohei has ever released tracks from several Japanese labels such as Sevensenses recordings, Landscape Music, and Delights Music. His beautiful melodies and occasionally-surprising sounds with tech / deep essence have highest qualities at present club scene. More importantly, he has the courage to inject innovative elements that isn't used for traditional styles. Kyohei's sound always moves in his evolutionary direction. "Aurobind" is a progressive trance that uses acoustic slapping bassline. At introduction, number of sounds increase gradually, and your tensions are raised for the break. At the break and later, glittering synths and pianos are perfectly harmonized, and those make beautiful soundscapes. 'Kindheit' means "Childhood" in German. This track begins with philosophical intro, then get into the break. You will be fascinated with the melancholic break with plucks and impressive riffs. Basking in the afterglow of the break, the tracks goes to the end. You will be immersed in Kyohei's great sensitivities. We hope you will enjoy various imagined-sceneries that are evoked by listening to these 2 tracks.