Video BBC tag added

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TrancePodium Staff
1 forum
Posts: 11088
Video BBC tag added -
17 November 2006, at 12:58
Hey all,
Just added a BBC tag that would allow you to include videos in your posts.

To use it, you will need to know the ID of the video you want to post.
You can find the ID in the url of the video, for example if the url is

the ID would be Nh1C0prGaGk

Next, click on the YouTube button:

And put the YouTube video ID in between the two tags like this:

Feel free to post a video you found interesting or related to trance.
Will be adding support for other video sharing sites soon. If you have any problems using this reply here or PM me.

# Re: Video BBC tag added - 17 November 2006, at 17:47
Cool  :D